Questions on London
ved C & A
15 spørgsmål
1. What are the names of the two Houses in the Parliament ?
a Big Ben and Victoria Tower
b House of Commons and House of Lord
c Victoria memorial and Albert memorial
d The Globe and Tate Modern Museum
2. Who lives officially at 10 Downing Street ?
a The Queen
b The Chancelor of Exchequer
c The Prime Minister
d Sherlock Holmes
3. In which museum are there dinosaurs ?
a Tate Modern Museum
b The Prado Museum
c V & A Museum (Victoria and Albert Museum)
d Natural History Museum
4. What happened in 1851 ?
a A big fire burnt the Victoria Tower
b The abolition of slavery
c The first great exhibition
d The coronation of Victoria
5. What is the name of Shakespeare's theater ?
a The Globe
b The Royal Albert Hall
c Horse Gard
d The Tower of London
6. What is it ?
a The Tower of London
b St James Palace
c Westminster Abbaye
d Victoria Tower
7. What is the name of the Canal which goes through Camden Town ?
a Tamise Canal
b Regent's Canal
c Danube Canal
d Severn Canal
8. Who is the representative of the "Suffragettes" ?
a Victoria
b Elisabeth, the Second
c Rosa Park
d Emmeline Pankhurst
9. Where is the Albert Memorial ?
a At Camden Town
b Near the Big Ben
c In front of the Royal Albert Hall
d In the Tate Modern Museum
10. What does the Victoria Tower contain ?
a The archives
b The Crown Jewels
c Some statues
d Many books
11. Who is Charles Darwin ?
a A king
b An actor
c A naturalist
d A minister
12. What is this monument ?
a Buckingham Palace
b Victoria Memorial
c Ministry of defense
d Foreign office
13. What does the Natural History Museum look like ?
a A palace
b A cathedral
c A theater
d A parliament
14. Where can you find the Crown Jewels ?
a Buckingham Palace
b The Tower of London
c The Royal Albert Hall
d Her Majesty Treasury
15. What is Harrods ?
a A palace
b A departement store
c An abbey
d A theater