Thanksgiving facts
Do you know everything about Thanksgiving ?
ved 4KMK_Shots
14 spørgsmål
1. What did Americans eat on the first Thanksgiving ?
a Turkey
b Duch
c Chiken
d Vegetable
2. What cereals did plant the first pilgrins with the help the indian ?
a Barley
b Oats
c Corn
d Vegtable
3. What Tursday of the month of november was chosen to be the official Thanksgiving day in the United State of America ?
a The last Tursday
b The second
c The Penultimate
d The first Tursday
4. Is there a relationship between Thanksgiving and Black Friday ?
a Yes !
b No !
c Eat turkey !
d Drink water
5. In what year the Pilgrims accosted Plymouth Cape Cod in America ?
a 1945
b 1620
c 1515
d 1947
6. How was named the mythical guy who (learned english to help the ) ?
a Squanto
b Squento
c Gerard
d Ricardo
7. From which city did the Mayflower depart ?
a Rhatoire
b Oirgihte
c Plymouth
d Mimounidozo
8. What food was probably not on the Pilgrims' menu ?
a Corn
b Potatoes
c Vegetable
d Bread
9. When thanksgiving was created ?
a 19 century
b 14 century
c 17 century
d 17 century
10. What the name of the ceremony when the turkey was gracies ?
a The eating ceremony
b The president ceremony
c The kill ceremony
d The pardoning ceremony
11. How many turkey(s) are pardons during the ceremony ?
a 3 turkeys
b 5 turkeys
c 1 tureky
d 2 turkeys
12. Who pardons the turkeys ?
a Jean Mouloud
b Macron
c The Minister
d The President
13. What did they eat on the first Thanksgiving ?
a Corn
b Vegetable
c Meat
d Fish
14. Where is thanksgiving not celebrated ?
a Canda
b United States
c France
d Germany