Questions to evaluate pupils
ved mikaelson
8 spørgsmål
1. Which one from these softwares let us save videos ?
a Lanschool
c Atube catcher
2. How to prevent spams when downloading ?
a Have permission
b Saving an authentic information
c Open a page telling you should save this antivirus
d Make sure the website is official and secure
3. What is the kind of network topologies presented in this picture
a Ring and star
b Mesh and star
c Point-to-point
d Hybrid
4. Which one of these actions is legal ?
a Dowloading unauthorized files
b Downloading paying files
c don't write the name of the author and the source
d pay before using paying files
5. Which is the software who allow us to download music mp3 ?
a Ninite
b Oracle Java JRE
c Panopto
d Freemark
6. Which one of these softwares let us download images
a Altera ModelSim
b Neo downloader
c Solidworks
d Youtube
7. How to connect to computer network ?
a Only Ethernet cable
b Only switch
c Router
d Only HUB
8. Which is the intuder topology (wrong) in this list ?
a Tree topology
b Mesh topology
c Bus topology
d Tribird topology