Testing your level of english
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ved Carine e Larissa Vieira
10 spørgsmål
1. Complete: I have a girlfriend. ____ is really beautiful.
a He
b They
c She
d We
2. Qual das palavras abaixo NÃO se correlaciona com as demais?
a Red
b Write
c Blue
d Grey
3. A palavra COSTUME significa:
a Costume de fazer algo
b Acostumar
c Fantasia
d Pijama
4. Na frase: "Today is friday. Robert and Sarah went to the restaurant yesterday", pergunta-se: em que dia Robert e Sarah foram ao restaurante?
a Friday
b Thursday
c Saturday
d Sunday
5. Complete: I get up ___ 8 o'clock.
a At
b In
c On
d Of
6. Qual o passado da palavra "CHOOSE"?
a Choosed
b Choset
c Chosed
d Chose
7. Complete: His grandfather is _ in his family.
a The oldest
b The more older
c More old
d The more oldest
8. Escolha a alternativa correta que apresenta um sinônimo da palavra HUNGRY
a Elated
b Nasty
c Ravenous
d Splendid
9. Coloque a frase no tempo e forma que foi pedido: The boys - to write - compositions. (Present Continuous)
a The boys wrote compositions.
b The boys write compositions.
c The boys are writing compositions
d The boys are going to write compositions
10. Qual das alternativas apresenta apenas verbos IRREGULARES?
a Change, love, die e stay
b Listen, Go, be e cry
c Have, Forget, Go e Hear
d Stay, Love, Hate e Go